Friday 7 February 2014

I cried when i saw this ...who could have done this to an Innocent Baby?

pic thanks to sdk

This baby was found at Benson bus stop Ikorodu in Lagos state Nigeria. People woke up this morning and saw the baby,they thought he was sleeping,tried to revive him only to realize that he is dead.
I have to try and calm down to type this, who could have carried out such an act? Someone dumped this baby overnight at the bus stop like this. I have so many questions to ask,so many things to say.

 At what point did whoever is responsible for this crime become so heartless to a baby. We have all been through tough times,tougher times in some situations so this isn't excusable except if the culprit suffers mental illness.

I feel sorrow for whoever that is responsible and couldn't  have mercy on an innocent baby, i hope the culprit is brought to books.
Makes no sense, just makes no sense. 

Babies are so pure,so innocent,they are great gifts from God.
They do not know about the pain you may be going through or maybe poverty but there is a spirit that protect babies, you prosper when you tap into that spirit.
Sorrow may come at night but Joy comes in the Morning and one day for all your shame,you will receive double honor.
I may be speaking to someone who is about to take a decision that will hurt your baby or someone else's baby...Please don't do it.

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