Thursday 27 February 2014

Susan Patton says "Invest more in finding a husband than acquiring more degrees "

Pearl-clutcher Susan Patton says college is the best place to look for your mate.

Ms Susan Patton is the Author of "Marry smart:Advice for finding the One,out in March by gallery book.

I will just summarize what she said , interesting read

  • Despite all of the focus on professional advancement,for most of you the cornerstone of your future happiness will be the man you marry.But chances are that you haven't been investing as much energy in planning for your personal happiness as you are planning for your next promotion at work. What are you waiting for? you are not getting any younger but the competition of the men you'd be interested in marrying most definitely is. 
  • You should be spending more time planning for your husband than for your career and you should start doing so much sooner than you think. This is especially the case if you are a woman with exceptionally good academic credentials,aiming for corporate stardom.
  • Stop wasting time dating men who aren't good for you, bad boys,crazy guys and married men.
  • Education is good but most men who are as educated as you are often interested in younger,less challenging women.
  • When you find a good man,take it slow, Casual sex is irresistible to men but the smart move is not to give it away, If you offer intimacy without commitment,the incentive to commit is eliminated. The grandmotherly message of yesterday is still true today;Men wont buy the cow if the milk is free.
  • Not all women want marriage or motherhood,but if you do,you have to start listening to your gut and avoid falling for the P.C feminist that has misled so many young women for years. There is nothing incongruous about educated ambitious women wanting to be wives and mothers. 
Do you agree with her?

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