Saturday 1 March 2014

Oscar Pistorius finds love again while standing trial for the murder of his Dead Girlfriend

Oscar Pistorius ,who is currently standing trial for the murder of his girlfriend on valentines day last year is reported to be dating again. Pistorius is said to be dating 19 year old Leah Skye Malan,a college student he met in December while she was holidaying with her parents and younger brother in Mozambique.

They both seem really into each other. She’s helped support him through this difficult time and has introduced him to all her family, who have embraced him”, reports.

Malan is believed to be the first woman  Pistorius has dated since his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, 28, was shot severally by Pistorius, claiming he thought an intruder had barged into his home. Reeva later died from the bullet wounds before help could get to her.

 Our forefathers said "the gun     broom they use to sweep the first wife is waiting for the second". 

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