Are we really living? That is the question we ought to ask ourselves at every stage in life. Do we actually take out time to meditate on the essence of life? A lot of us are carried away by the struggle for survival ,we wake up early ,rush to work and close late. Some of us do double shift jobs just to make ends meet.In an attempt to eke out a living,some of us disregard the most valuable things in life.
Life demands more from us. We should take out time to do some soul searching,oh yes we should. Often times,it takes tragedy to make us realize the little things surrounding us. A friend of mine who worked harder than everyone i know had a bit of exhaustion, that was an eye opener to him about the beauty of life,all of a sudden he began to notice every little thing to the extent of noticing that there are rivers that surround the road he takes every morning on his way to work. That is shocking.
Can we try living? let us do something meaningful with our lives each day,like showing love to the less privileged, the orphans, the poor and the sick amongst us,returning the greetings of that little boy who takes out time to greet you every morning but you were too busy to notice,using kind words on that driver that takes you to work every morning,sharing a smile because you can brighten a life with it,praying,taking out time to savor the beauty of nature around us e.t.c.
These are little things but they definitely mean a lot.It makes you more appreciative of life. If you see the beauty in nature,it makes you also see beauty in people . Its an experience that can wake one from being depressed to becoming optimistic and expectant each day that passes.
Enjoy these beautiful pictures and i hope it brightens your life. Good Morning all.
Pic credit to Miguel Clara and Vacation idea
Nice post dear