Tuesday 4 February 2014

With Tears streaming down my eyes,i announce to you Ladies that Chelsea Football Player Mikel Obi is Taken

I know i am late to all the whole gist of Mikel Obi and his Russian girlfriend but i must post this,no matter how hard it is for me to...Why, Oh why,Mikel but why?.

Mikel is loving up all the moments he spends with his Beautiful Russian girlfriend Olga Diyachenko and he posted Selfies all over Instagram for #Painment things#.

She is sending #tongueout# to you all,
The good news is...they aren't married yet so there is still hope for you ladies,see Mikel obi's "consolation" reply to a "daydreaming" fan below;

Mikel Obi - January 2014 - BellaNaija 04

Chelsea Staunched Fans,let us analyse Mikel's performance on the field since he introduced us to his beau, Is it Excellent,average or below average?
If its below average,i call a "Ho" out to therefore go in there distract and snatch,snatch snatch...Lol.

On the other hand,if it is excellent...Mikel bring her home,let us teach her how to pound yam.
*Distributing tissues to the Ladies*.

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