Sunday 23 February 2014

Watch the Video of Murdered Titilayo's husband reaction to the Judgement

He stabbed the wife 76 times

All those In-laws,family and friends that have NOTHING TO OFFER  but to keep urging a woman to go back to an ABUSIVE see  your lives.

In Nigeria and some parts of Africa,when a woman complains of an ABUSIVE HUSBAND to the INLAWS,she is reminded  of how there are billions of women who are willing to marry her husband if she leaves him or better still she will be asked to apologize to the ABUSIVE HUSBAND for BEATING her because she may have done something wrong so she deserves it.

Some will come with their MOST POPULAR SAYING " a wise woman builds her home,the foolish one destroys it ".
Titilayo  kept on going back to an ABUSIVE husband trying to build her home as a wise woman until she was stabbed to death.

If only the same advise and counselling given to women are given to the male folks. 
If only people can also read the part in the bible where it is written "husbands love thy wives as Christ loves the church".
If only this man was advised to go for Anger management classes or even advised to work on himself.
If only....

My heart goes out to their child.

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